
We are part of a Global Community of organizations that work in socio-environmental development, in addition to economic development. We have the challenge of growing by contributing to the development of rural communities in Paraguay.

Industria Nacional
We are part of the Paraguayan Industrial Union, from where we work on initiatives to position and strengthen National Industry products, demonstrating that what is produced in Paraguay can meet high quality standards and compete with international products.

Solidarity School Club
Somos parte del programa de nutrición infantil en niños y niñas en situación de pobreza extrema que participan de las jornadas de educación del Club Escuela Solidaria, una ONG que trabaja en modelos de enseñanza innovadores e integrales, fusionando la inteligencia emocional e intelectual como umbrales a la educación.

Fair Trade
We are part of the children’s nutrition program for children in extreme poverty who participate in the education sessions of the Solidarity School Club, an NGO that works on innovative and comprehensive teaching models, fusing emotional and intellectual intelligence as thresholds for education.